Saturday, November 28, 2009


Tell me all your Thoughts on God...

Can you stack that much nothing in one spot?

I have spent a lifetime learning about God. He has taught me so many things, but won't let me share them. After all, our conversations and discussions were for my benefit, not yours. So I will have to be content with understanding my reasons for Faith. It is not up to me to share them, and I must remain obedient.

I will disobey this far: God Is, Jesus Lives, Trinity exists, the Bible and the discoveries of Science are in factual parallel, and you will never be told why because such knowledge must be gained by Faith, not textbook.

There! I said it! Service of Ministry realized, and He smiteth me not! Hmmm...

There is a certain "Moth and Candle" problem about getting too close to God, anyway. One may shimmer a moment, then glow very brightly and disappear. I prefer love poetically expressed, without the constant dangers of over-exposure that pixelates your edges when they need to remain sharp.

This is a work originally from 1964, under continuing copyright via publication as is everything else here.

A Christmas Thought

'Tis growing ever nearer sweet December,
Soon small eyes shall gleam o'er shining toy...
But for those elder, somber thought shall soon remember,
That yesterday was born a Holy boy.

Barry Morris, Copyright 1964-2006, All rights reserved

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